Sunday, May 23, 2010

Perjury Trail Of Chicago Cop Tied To Torture Begins

In a May 24th 2010 article, Perjury Trial Of Chicago
Cop Tied To Torture Begins: In November or 1983 Darryl
Cannon was taken by the police because they believed he had
nformation about a murder. Cannon wouldn't release any
information to them about the murder, so they handcuffed him and put a shotgun into this mouth and kept pulling the
trigger, it was really a cattle prod. Cannon just wanted them
to stop pulling the trigger so he told them that he had
committed the murder, even though he hadn't just so they
would stop. Cannon spent more than twenty years in jail
because of this. He was released in 2004 and is now suing
for wrongful conviction. Burge, the police officer was never
charged for the torture, because it had happened too long ago.
But, he was charged for lying in a previous case about the torture.
Also, George Ryan stated that "Because of the Illinois death penalty
system is arbitrary and capricious, and therefore immoral, I no longer
shall tinker withe machinery of death." George Ryan cleared the states
death row. I don't believe that this was right, because he should have
been charged for the torture that Cannon had to go through, even though
it happened a while ago.

Picture Credit

Posted By: Christina McGee

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