Monday, May 10, 2010

Double Standard in Kagan Pick

The article we chose is called “Left is mute on racial double standard in Kagan pick.” It is about the most recent Supreme Court nominee Solicitor General Elena Kagan to replace the retiring Justice John Paul Stevens. The article targets how if there was a white male Republican president, and that president nominated a white male Republican justice to the Supreme Court, the media would go crazy. However, in the current situation, there is an African American male Democratic president nominating a white democratic woman. It focuses on how while some people may not like it when articles talk about the race of nominees; however, it comes into account in the long run. It also talks about how if Kagan is approved by the senate, many Republicans will call this a “double standard.” They might believe that people were more concerned with not offending the Obama administration, rather than the ideology. Through what we have learned in class, we are able to understand the difficulties of getting a nominee approved to the Supreme Court. The president’s nominee must be approved by a majority vote in the Senate. On top of getting the nominee approved, the nominee must have a very qualified background, and try to fly under the radar. In history, there have only been thirteen judges that have not been approved to the Supreme Court. However, that doesn’t mean that it won’t happen again.

Photo Credit: Http://

Posted by S. Romell and M. Laycock

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