Monday, May 10, 2010

Atty. Gen. Eric Holder defends reading Miranda rights to terror suspects

In a May 6th 2010 article from latimesblog: Saturday May 1st 2010 an attempted car bombing occured in Times Square. Faisal Shahzad was read his Miranda rights at the scene of this attempeted bombing. Attorney General Eric Holder defended reading Faisal Shahzad his Miranda rights, because he believed that they were still able to gather important information once his Miranda rights were read and that reading the Miranda rights didn't hinder the investigation. Attorney General Eric Holder defended reading the Miranda rights before a Senate panel to consider a 6% increase over the 2010 fiscal year in the justice departments budget. Holder defended President Obams $29.2 billion fiscal year 2011 budget request for his departyment because he belives that it would ensure that the justice department has the resources it needs to do it's job.

The United States is very generous in the application of its rights to non-citizens, which has been a source of conflict for many years. One part of the Miranda Rights and the Bill of Rights (5th Amendment) is the liberty that protects a person from self-incrimination. This protection for terrorists could prevent a terrorist from confessing or giving other valuable information.

Also present in this article is the set-up of our government. Here the Attorney General, executive of the Justice Department, which is part of the government bureaucracy, is testifying before Congress to get a budget increase. This demonstrates the separation of powers between the different branches of government as Congress depends on the bureaucracy for enforcement of the laws it makes, the bureaucracy depends on Congress for the money to do so.

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Posted by: cmcgee, OCaridi, and JMHuber

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